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New Year's Party Themes
New Year's Eve Scramble
- Paper
- Scissors
To Play
- Write different words on pieces of paper that related to New Year's Eve.
- Cut up the paper and scramble the letters.
- Everyone has to make New Year’s Eve words out of the pieces of paper.
- The person who guesses the most words correctly wins a prize.
Predict the Future
- Magazine Pictures
To Play
- Throughout the party, present magazine pictures to each table of kids. These pictures should show something from the past year, such as a winning football game, a new toy, a political event, etc.
- Each table of kids must make a prediction for the next year, based on the picture. For example: The Yankees will win the pennant, Bill Clinton will become a rock star, the president will be a woman, and so on. Keep providing pictures after each course for the kids' predictions.
New Year’s Eve Parade
Remember the days of banging pots and pans around the neighborhood at 12:00AM and keeping the neighbors awake until all hours? This activity rings in the memories.
- Pots & Pans
- Noisemakers
To Play
- Collect all of the kids around 11:50AM and hand out the pots and pans and noisemakers.
- Then send the kids outside to make all of the noise when the clock strikes midnight.
- Have them march up and down the driveway and through the neighborhood.
Some other fun ideas that will keep the kids busy for hours until the clock strikes midnight are to have them create their own time capsule, strike a piñata, make New Year's resolutions (and guess whose resolutions they are), decorate cookies, and have a huge indoor treasure hunt with clues.
from the site:
-NEW YEAR COLLECION (Russian version)
see also
in English: - our GAMES collection is HERE
in Russian: - конкурсы от А до Я
in French: - jeux pour les fêtes
Do You want to complete our collection? WRITE ME and your information will be in our site! |
TAMADA JULIA - Ведущая свадеб, юбилеев, корпоративных праздников в Москве- -индивидуальный подход, обсуждение сценария-
Свадебные платья Медовый месяц
Тамада на русском, французском, английском. Свадьба, юбилей MegaDoski
свадебные торты Обручальные кольца и цены на золотые кольца , цветы, букеты и хризантемы , cвадебные салоны и свадебные платья москва для невесты. Тамада —ведущий— конферансье на франц, анли рус языках
Теплоходы и катера, Свадебные прогулки в Петербурге, Свадьба не Неве, Аренда лимузинов, Прокат лимузинов, Заказ лимузинов Любая информация о свадьбе. Вы найдете сценарии выкупа невесты, свадебные конкурсы, свадебные поздравления, свадебную фото и видеосъемку, свадебные машины
"Свадебный переполох" - все что нужно знать о подготовке к свадьбе: сценарии выкупа, плакаты, списки ведущих, стилистов, свадебных салонов, фотографов, видеооператоров, банкетных залов, ЗАГСов, автомашин на прокат. Смета свадебных расходов, правовые основы семьи. Свадебный форум и форум для молодоженов, барахолка.